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  1. Travylonely

    Travylonely Sex Lover

    Oct 13, 2017

    227615-1447238552-a50adabb8e94ec2792ed47bcf915c2fd.jpg 227629-1447238772-11d80d858cc61bdf9ed43ec703def1d0.jpg 227628-1447238711-2322cf54eb5bab40b3806633510f7799.jpg 227615-1447238552-a50adabb8e94ec2792ed47bcf915c2fd (1).jpg 235946-1448275893-22a02a69e640c673991451169d90d852.jpg 235943-1448275848-dbabb3eb93c234f78979cf68463c7066.jpg 235941-1448275809-978743687e2f0ae4d6d2ea4b67996bd6.jpg 232459-1447785941-67deb04f6f5971befe3dd3b3911152a8.jpg
    • Like Like x 4
    1. Tvslutsadie
      She is amazing I'd love to lick her clean after you finish
      Tvslutsadie, Jan 12, 2018
  2. coraline

    coraline The Witchy Woman

    Jun 13, 2014
    I feel pity because you have exposed her face on here
    • Like Like x 3
    1. user 326
      My thoughts exactly.
      user 326, Jan 10, 2018
    2. Sexykoo
      I m hot I m wanna be fucked
      Sexykoo, Jan 10, 2018
      mdesk66 likes this.
    3. coraline
      coraline, Jan 10, 2018
  3. Hambone66

    Hambone66 Porn Star

    Aug 1, 2017
    I feel pity about the brillo pad brush fire created by that dude
    • Like Like x 2
  4. RelentlessOblivion

    RelentlessOblivion A wheely nice guy

    Sep 6, 2016
    Does she know you've posted her picture here? Did you really think it was a good idea? Do you know that you no longer own that image? Why did you feel the need to parade her around the internet? I have so many questions.
    • Like Like x 2
    1. View previous comments...
    2. RelentlessOblivion
      I wish I realised sooner this is the place for snarky assholes like myself lol.
      RelentlessOblivion, Jan 10, 2018
      Jack Mine, coraline and Sweetpassion like this.
    3. RelentlessOblivion
      I swear I'm actually a halfway decent bloke...
      RelentlessOblivion, Jan 10, 2018
      coraline likes this.
    4. Sweetpassion
      Ya you seem to be but this OP could use some practice on being respectful on the other hand. But doubt it would really help much.
      Sweetpassion, Jan 10, 2018
    5. RelentlessOblivion
      True, on behalf of the male gender I just want to apologise for this guy's existence...
      RelentlessOblivion, Jan 10, 2018
      Sweetpassion likes this.
  5. Supash

    Supash Sex Machine

    Jan 2, 2012
    Oh that Pussy is great
  6. shadowfap

    shadowfap Fap Happy Jester

    Oct 28, 2012
    Congrats on your fuck up. Know that you'll see your gf being photoshopped quite badly onto other pics.
  7. RCummings

    RCummings Porn Star

    Sep 20, 2016
    Why do you want to know what we think and more important if you gave a tiny ounce of a shit about her you wouldnt give a flying fuck what anyone thought about her because you loved her and that should be the only thing that counts
    • Like Like x 4
  8. Travylonely

    Travylonely Sex Lover

    Oct 13, 2017
    Yes she knowes! She said it was ok
  9. Travylonely

    Travylonely Sex Lover

    Oct 13, 2017
    She knowes we posted them together
    1. sexxiliz16
      In tht case more power to u. She seems very comfortable with herself thats great
      sexxiliz16, Jan 11, 2018
  10. RelentlessOblivion

    RelentlessOblivion A wheely nice guy

    Sep 6, 2016
    Now I'm even more worried for her. Does she have low self-esteem or something? Why does she need strangers on the internet to tell her what they think of her? None of us have, or will, ever meet her. We don't know her as a person. Our opinions really shouldn't mater to her.
    1. View previous comments...
    2. RelentlessOblivion
      I think I've got this one actually. He doesn't make her feel special so she's hoping strangers can.
      See this is why I stick to the games so I don't overthink things.
      RelentlessOblivion, Jan 11, 2018
  11. user 326

    user 326 Renaissance Man Banned!

    Jan 8, 2018
    Not everything is that deep. Some people just enjoy hearing compliments and knowing others find them sexy.

    However, OP... Maybe put this in the Pic & Movies section next time.
    • Like Like x 2
    1. RelentlessOblivion
      Could a moderator not simply move this to the correct sub-forum?
      RelentlessOblivion, Jan 11, 2018
  12. Travylonely

    Travylonely Sex Lover

    Oct 13, 2017
    Lmao is this not a fucking porn site?dip shit
  13. Jack Mine

    Jack Mine The Pope of Assholiness

    May 30, 2009
    Some people will believe just about anything and some people are skeptical and question just about everything. I happen to be one that questions every fuckin thing, not just about everything but everything, sorry it's how I was brought up. But if anyone actually believes the pictures are of his girlfriend then you must believe that's him in his avatar ? I won't believe it till he verifies that the pics are of him and his girlfriend, very easy to do but not many people do it when called out to, just me I guess
  14. RelentlessOblivion

    RelentlessOblivion A wheely nice guy

    Sep 6, 2016
    I'm disappointed, that possibility hadn't crossed my mind yet, does this mean I fail Snarky Asshole 101? :D
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2018
    1. Jack Mine
      You get an A+ just for having over 10,000 posts in under 2 years. ;)
      Jack Mine, Jan 13, 2018
    2. RelentlessOblivion
      I am quite the prolific perv aren't I lol
      RelentlessOblivion, Jan 13, 2018
  15. Lottiep90

    Lottiep90 Porno Junky

    Nov 10, 2017
    Just to ease the tension a little bit, I will say that she looks very gorgeous and she should be confident in herself :)
    • Like Like x 4
  16. khx

    khx Newcumer

    Jun 22, 2016
    She looks very good dude. Good work.
    • Like Like x 1
  17. StevenWatts51

    StevenWatts51 Sex Lover

    Dec 6, 2013
    If thats your style, more to you, my man. Looks a little rode hard and put up wet to me, though. Just cause it's pussy don't make it good. Just my perspective since you asked.
    • Like Like x 1
  18. Tedster26

    Tedster26 Porno Junky

    May 13, 2018
    shes hot. Id fuck her 69 ways from sunday
  19. newlicker2

    newlicker2 Porn Star

    Jun 13, 2017
    Well I would do her! that was until I saw she was a smoker ! but I don't like kissing an ashtray !
  20. Phoebefabulous

    Phoebefabulous Sex Lover

    Aug 13, 2017
    Your profile picture reminds me of Malibu's most wanted