Dead by Daylight: skills of the new assassin -The Skull Merchant- and the new survivors: Thalita and Renato Lyra

The Boss

Dead by Daylight: skills of the new assassin -The Skull Merchant- and the new survivors: Thalita and Renato Lyra

Assassin, Daylight, Dead, Lyra, Merchant, Renato, skills, Skull, Survivors, Thalita

The arrival of the new chapter of DbD called ‘Tools of Torment’ and we can already take a look at it on the test server. That means we can officially reveal the abilities or perks of The Skull Merchant, Thalita and Renato Lyra, the new assassin and new survivors of Dead by Daylight.

Despite what some players wanted to believe, the new killer is not terminator. She is a completely original character that you can meet in the trailer for the new chapter. You can see it below.

Dead by Daylight | Tools Of Torment | Official Trailer

When does the chapter ‘Tools of Torment’ with the new assassin Merchant of Skulls come to Dead by Daylight?

She will arrive accompanied by a pair of surviving brothers on Tuesday, March 7, 2023. However, you can already use these characters on the PTB test server.

What are the skills or advantages (perks) of the new assassin: Adriana Imai, the Skull Merchant, in Dead by Daylight

We can now access the Dead by Daylight PTB to meet the new assassin and new survivors: the Skull Merchant, Thalita and Renato Lyra.
  • open season: While chasing the Obsession, this perk activates. Damaging generators and performing the break action on walls or pallets grants you a 5% haste status for 8/9/10 seconds. Every time you hit the Survivor with the most total chase time with a Basic Attack, they become the Obsession. The Killer can only have one obsession at a time.
  • Shock: After hooking a survivor, performing the break action on the next breakable wall or pallet will cause survivors within 32 meters to shout and reveal their aura for 4 seconds. CLUB! is active for 45/60/75 seconds after hooking the Survivor.
  • Influence: Every time you hook a Survivor, you gain one token, up to ten. When you hook a Survivor, this perk activates. For each token, reduce the rate at which Survivors heal by 3/4/5% for 30 seconds.

We can also see the ‘mori’ of the new murderer thanks to the Twitter account DBDInfoEs.

What are the abilities or advantages (perks) of the new survivor Thalita Lyra in Dead by Daylight

We can now access the Dead by Daylight PTB to meet the new assassin and new survivors: the Skull Merchant, Thalita and Renato Lyra.
  • Desátame: After performing a dash jump in a chase, this buff activates. While this perk is active, your dash jumps are silent for up to 4/5/6 seconds and successfully performing a dash jump during that time resets the timer. This perk has a 45 second cooldown.
  • friendly rivalry: Whenever you finish repairing a generator with at least one other Survivor, this perk activates. You and other Survivors who finished repairing the same generator with you gain 5% increased repair progress speed for 45/60/75 seconds. Survivors can only have one instance of this buff’s ability active at a time.
  • Teamwork: Dual Power – Each time you finish healing another Survivor, you both move 5% faster as long as you stay within 12 meters of the Survivor you healed or until one of you loses a health. Teamwork: Power of Two, can only activate once every 180/160/140 seconds. Survivors can only be affected by the same ability effect at a time.

What are the abilities or advantages (perks) of the new Survivor Renato Lyra in Dead by Daylight

We can now access the Dead by Daylight PTB to meet the new assassin and new survivors: the Skull Merchant, Thalita and Renato Lyra.
  • supporting player– After unhooking another Survivor, you run at 150% of your normal running speed for 6 seconds and gain the exhausted state. This buff cannot be used while exhausted. This perk causes exhaustion for 60/50/40 seconds. Exhaustion prevents Survivors from activating other perks that cause exhaustion.
  • rush of blood: This buff activates once you are one hook away from instant death. While he’s healthy, running, and suffering from exhaustion, he hits the start button. active skill 1 to lose a health status and recover from exhaustion instantly and gain the broken status effect for 28/24/20 seconds. You auto-heal from wounded to healthy after 28/24/20 seconds. Being put into the dying state will cancel the healing effect. Activating this ability will disable it for the rest of the game. Exhaustion prevents Survivors from activating other perks that cause exhaustion. The Broken state prevents Survivors from healing.
  • Teamwork: Collective Stealth – Whenever another Survivor finishes healing you, neither leave scratch marks as long as you stay within 12 meters of the Survivor who healed you or until one of you loses a health. Teamwork: Collective Stealth can only activate once every 180/160/140 seconds. Survivors can only be affected by this effect at a time.

If you want to test yourselves the skills or advantages (‘perks’) of the new assassin The Skull Merchant and the new survivors Thalita and Renato Lyra in Dead by Daylight thanks to the PTB or test server.

How to access the PTB

They can access the PTB if they have the game on Steam. Only right click on the game in the library, select ‘Properties’, the ‘Beta’ tab and then choose the ‘public-test’ option from the menu.

Fuente: official game forums

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